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  • お子様の近視が心配ですか? どのようにお手伝いできるかお問い合わせください。 今すぐお子様の相談を予約してください。

    Importance of Myopia Control

    Myopia Control Information in Japanese and English Japanese: 「近視コントロール」の重要性は、将来の視力と目の健康を守るために欠かせないものです。近視は進行すると、高度な度数になると視力が急激に低下する可能性があります。また、高度な近視は網膜剥離や緑内障などの目の健康問題のリスクを増加させることがあります。近視コントロールは、子供や若者の視力の変化を適切に管理し、将来の合併症を予防するために重要です。 English: The importance of “myopia control” lies in safeguarding future vision and eye health. If myopia progresses, there’s a risk of rapid vision deterioration, especially at high levels of myopia. Additionally, high myopia increases the risk of eye health issues like retinal detachment and glaucoma. Myopia […]

    Continue Reading August 23, 2023

  • The Silent Assassin of Vision

    What is Geographic Atrophy? Geographic atrophy (GA) is a dry and advanced form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is characterized by the degeneration of cells in the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. Unlike wet AMD, GA does not involve abnormal blood vessel growth, but it still poses […]

    Continue Reading June 27, 2023

  • 7 Expert Tips to Improve Vision

    Expert Advice – Better Vision We are excited to share seven expert tips from the American Optometric Association (AOA) to help you improve your vision and prioritize your eye health. The AOA is a trusted source of valuable insights and recommendations when it comes to maintaining optimal vision. By implementing these expert tips into your […]

    Continue Reading June 20, 2023

  • Myopia Awareness Week

    Myopia Awareness Week: May 22-26th Welcome to Myopia Awareness Week, a time dedicated to shedding light on an increasingly prevalent eye condition affecting people of all ages worldwide. As an optometrist specializing in myopia, we are thrilled to be part of this initiative and share essential information and treatment options with our valued patients and […]

    Continue Reading May 23, 2023

  • Welcome Dr. Jennifer Boyle

    Please join us in welcoming our newest optometrist Dr. Jennifer Boyle to our Advanced Eyecare team.  Dr. Boyle will be serving our Carteret and Edgewater community and she is ready and excited to begin seeing patients and delivering top-notch, individualized care. Jennifer Boyle, O.D. Dr. Jennifer Boyle is a national board certified and New Jersey […]

    Continue Reading March 15, 2023

  • Dry Eyes No More

    Do You Experience Dry Eyes? Every day you depend on your vision, but annoying dry eye problems might prevent you from living life to the fullest. Dry eyes are not only irritating, but they can also affect your productivity at work, making doing daily tasks more challenging. Dr. Kaur and Dr. Patel along with the […]

    Continue Reading December 29, 2022

  • Use Your Vision Benefits

    Before They Expire in 2022 Many vision benefits and flexible spending accounts (FSA) offer benefits that expire at the end of every year. If you do not use them, you’ll likely lose them in 2022.  In most cases, if your plan allows you a new pair of glasses or contact lenses they don’t carry over.  So, if you […]

    Continue Reading December 1, 2022

  • OptiLight by Lumenis

    Are You Struggling with Dry Eyes? You rely on your vision every day, but irritating dry eye symptoms can get in the way of living life to its fullest. Not only are dry eyes uncomfortable, but they can also impact your job performance, make daily tasks increasingly difficult, and so much more. Dr. Kaur, Dr. […]

    Continue Reading September 12, 2022

  • TearCare Offers Relief for Dry Eyes

    Chronic Dry Eye Sufferers: Find Relief with TearCare Have you experienced dry, itchy, burning or sore eyes?  Or perhaps a stinging or a gritty sensation in your eyes with some watery or blurry vision?  You’ve tried a multitude of over-the-counter medications to relieve your symptoms, however they often fail only providing minimal comfort or relief. […]

    Continue Reading August 18, 2022

  • Trouble seeing far away?

    Myopia (Nearsightedness) If your child is having trouble seeing far away objects, give us a call today or schedule their exam. We have many treatment options available to slow the progression of myopia (nearsigtedness) and will have your child seeing clearly again in no time. Our Myopia Control Experts will be delighted to care for […]

    Continue Reading July 14, 2022