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Optilight and OptiPlus Pre & Post Treatment Patient Instruction Sheet (printable PDF)

Preparing for Your OptiLight IPL and OptiPlus RF Treatments

We are thrilled you’ve chosen to improve your eye health with our OptiLight and OptiPlus treatments. To ensure the best results and a smooth experience, please follow these preparation guidelines:


  1. Avoid Sun Exposure:
    • Refrain from direct sun exposure for at least two weeks before your treatment.
    • If sun exposure is unavoidable, wear sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and UV-protective sunglasses.
  2. Discontinue Skincare Products:
    • Stop using any retinol, retinoids, glycolic acids, or other exfoliating products around the treatment area for one week before treatment.
    • If you use bleaching agents, discontinue their use for 2-3 days prior.
  3. Contact Lens Wear:
    • Remove contact lenses before arriving at the clinic.
    • Bring your glasses, as you may need them after the treatment.
  4. Hydrate:
    • Make sure to drink plenty of water each day (at least 80 ounces) in the days before your treatment to keep your skin properly hydrated..
  5. Avoid Makeup and Perfume:
    • Arrive with a clean face. No makeup, lotions, or perfumes, especially around the eye area.
  6. Medical History:
    • Inform us of any changes in your medical history, new medications, or skin sensitivities. Also, let us know if you are pregnant or nursing.
    • If you are scheduled to receive a OptiPlus RF treatment, kindly notify us if you have any metal implants or a pacemaker.
  7. Clothing/Attire/Jewlry:
    • Please wear a loose-fitting top (only applies to OptiPlus RF)..
    • Body piercings, jewelry, and any other metal objects on your body will have to be removed before your treatment (only applies to OptiPlus RF).
  8. Anticipate Post-Treatment:
    • Plan for mild redness or slight swelling post-treatment. It typically subsides within a few hours.

Additional Notes:

  • You can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment, but ensure to follow the post-treatment guidelines carefully.

Congratulations on completing your OptiLight or OptiPlus treatment!

To ensure the best outcome, please follow the post-treatment care instructions below:


  1. Avoid Sun Exposure:
    • Stay out of direct sunlight for one week after treatment.
    • Always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) when outdoors and wear UV-protective sunglasses.
  2. Moisturize and Hydrate:
    • Use a gentle moisturizer to keep the treated area hydrated.
    • Continue drinking plenty of water to keep your skin and eyes well-hydrated.
  3. Avoid Harsh Skincare Products:
    • Do not use retinol, glycolic acids, or exfoliating products on the treated area for one week post-treatment.
    • Use a gentle cleanser and avoid any scrubbing or peeling.
  4. Redness and Swelling:
    • Mild redness or swelling may occur but should subside within a few hours to a day.
    • You can use cool compresses to reduce any discomfort.
  5. Home Therapy:
    • Use Optase Artificial tears as needed, it is normal to have more dryness 48 hours post-treatment
    • Begin at home Warm Compress 48 hours post-treatment
    • Continue DE3 Omega 2240mg EPH/DHA
  6. Follow-Up Treatments:
    • OptiLight IPL and OptiPlus RF treatment may require multiple sessions. Please attend your follow-up appointments to maximize your results.

Things to Avoid:

  • Hot showers, saunas, and heavy sweating: Avoid these for 48 hours after treatment.
  • Harsh physical activities that may lead to excessive sweating or impact the treated area should be avoided for 48 hours.

If you experience any unexpected side effects, such as prolonged redness, swelling, or irritation, please contact us immediately.