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8 Reasons Why You Should Have Your Eyes Examined

Do you ever wonder why a comprehensive eye exam is so important? If you’re like many people, you may see your eye exam as just another part of a general checkup. Usually, not a high priority exam that is often overlooked. But, here are 8 reasons why you should schedule your eye exam today:

  1. Eyesight can change over time and an eye exam can catch these changes early on.
  2. An eye exam will let you know if your require a prescription change or if there is a health issue affecting your sight.
  3. Good vision is essential for learning and can negatively impact a child’s or adults learning, performance in sports, at work and even social skills.
  4. An eye exam will test your visual acuity, discover issues such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness, astigmatism, color blindness, poor hand-eye coordination or visual perception and difficulties with the eyes’ ability to work together for tracking, teaming, and focusing.
  5. Eye exams can detect glaucoma and will usually find it in early stages when there is still time to act before it worsens.
  6. An eye exam is a good place to check for any problems that might lead to blindness like macular degeneration, retinal issues or cataracts.
  7. An eye exam can help you understand why you have headaches, eye strain, fatigue, dryness, discomfort, or any visual issues and help you resolve them for a better life.
  8. An eye exam can alert you of potential problems with certain medications that cause vision problems and help prevent further damage.

It can be easy to forget your eye exam but we urge you to make your vision a priority and schedule yours today.

Eye Doctor Edgewater NJ